Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Kilmer 2004: an entry

An Untitled Poem,
Dedicated to Madame Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy
(a 19th Century religious movement which sought to bring the great works of Hindu literature to the West)

by Everett Patterson, CC ’06, Poet Laureate 2003-2004

Madame Madame
Madame Madame Madame Madame Madame
Madame Blavatsky, Bladame Mavatsky
Matsky Vblastky, Vatsky Blmatsky

Madame Blavatsky, you founded Theosophy
Madame Vbladame Blvadame Blevosophy
Ossify, Blasphemous, Vasphemous Prophecy!
Amorous Blat, Philosophic Apostrophe

Blatsky Mvatsky, Gosamer Gastby
Philosopher Phosphorus Bosphorus Patsy
Bosphorus Bosphorus Constantinosophy!
Blossoming Prosperous Trotsky Philosophy
Phenomenological Loss, Mephistopholes

Blatsky, Vmatsky, Banana-fanna-fo-fatsky
…Lavatsky, Madame B
Madame Blavatsky-Shmavatsky